Shandong Xingyu Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd


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Shandong Xingyu Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd

TEL: +86-533-3125007
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Harvest season -three clients come together

2015-01-21  [ Font Size: BIG MIDD  SNALL ]
    On 27th of Auguest , India clients come to check the machine he have baught. According to this trip, he have know about how to use the machine and how to use the slab.
    At the same time, the agent of another Russian client also come to our factory tocheck the goods. and make  sure everything is ready for transport.

    Another Indonesia client also come to our factory on this day. he visit our workshop and the producing site. We have a pleasant talk in our office. Hope we can cooperate  successfully soon.

Customer' trust and support is our motivation !